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Using arts, culture and media to promote positive social transformation

Where women are:
Gender & the 2017 Elections 

Exploring gender and governance

This book explores governance and women; lack of representation, intimidation of candidates, the faux choise between patriarchy and authoritarianism are just a few of the issues discussed. Download for free. You can download it for free on the link below.


Deepening Kenya-China Bilateral Ties Through Cultural Exhange and Publishing


The Chinese delegation from China International Communications Group (CICG) visited Kenya on Sunday, 13 August, 2023 and they were hosted by the Twaweza Communications Limited in Westlands, Nairobi. Twaweza Communications have a publishing partnership with Dolphin Books, a subsidiary of CICG.

Team photo of CICG and Twaweza


Win for Twaweza in eKitabu content development challenge 2022

Twaweza is happy to be recognized as contributing to accessible publishing. Twaweza submitted 3 titles of which received an award: Akuchi as best overall reader, Agikuyu - Ndi Mukenu and the French version of Sungura na Tembo.


Perspectives On Theatre Practice In Kenya

This Issue of Jahazi, exploring different facets of Theatre as it is today, in Kenya, has been a labour of love for the Editorial Team here at Jahazi Journal.

The first part of this Issue is therefore in tribute to the indomitable Prof. Micere Mugo. Wangui wa Goro "The Beautyful One Was Born" and Grace Okafor "She Answers Her Name "set us off, and in many ways follow Prof. Micere Mugo as she settles in the hereafter.

Grace Okafor's "She Answers Her Name" is an interactive poem that invites the audience to act as a chorus. This is a fitting communal tribute that Micere Mugo would have appreciated, perhaps even blushed about.

For an issue on theatre, which is a moving, visual and embodied genre, we are deliberately wordy, topping at over a hundred pages of thought, synthesis, and tributes. Read us anyway.

The words move in an ebb and flow that is itself a sort of a theatre production. You will be moved, provoked, and given new perspectives. At least, we hope you will be.


Staying Safe: A Protection Guide for Journalists in Kenya

Exploring gender and governance

The idea of producing a safety guide for journalists had not quite taken root when we came together as a media working group. Our primary interest then was to explore the media landscape to find out the status of journalists safety and protection when discharging their duties

This manual is being offered as a living document, to be adjusted and updated to respond to the inevitable changes in our society

You can download it for free on the link below.


Cultural and Creative Industries
Supporting Activities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mapping and Analysis

In many African countries the CCI sectors are supported by EU member states and the European Union as a whole to foster sustainable development and international cultural exchange. The authors of this study, Pedro Affonso Ivo Franco and Kimani Njogu, draw up an inventory of the activities of EU member states and the European Union in the field of creative industries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Which countries are already particularly active in the field of creative industries in the region? How and with what objectives are projects supported? Which sectors are primarily supported in which countries? Are there thematic priorities or cross-sectoral inter-linkages? What are local needs?


Articles & Activities

Deepening China-Kenya Bilateral Ties In Cultural Exchanges and Publishing


The Chinese delegation from China International Communications Group (CICG) visited Kenya on Sunday, 13 August, 2023 and they were hosted by the Twaweza Communications Limited in Westlands, Nairobi. Twaweza Communications have a publishing partnership with Dolphin Books, a subsidiary of CICG.



Preserving Culture

There are thousands of languages all over the world. But the existence of many is threatened with dwindling numbers of active speakers. How do factors such as colonialism contribute to language endangerment in Africa and elsewhere, even today?


Publishing at the African Studies Association of Africa


We contributed to the African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) conference held in Nairobi in October 2019 on the topic of publishing in Africa and African studies: practices, challenges and futures


Culture Grows: Between Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow


This event was a gathering of culture and creative sector stakeholders from Kenya and across the world; organized in partnership with the British Council as part of the British Council's programme Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth pilot programme in Kenya, Vietnam and Colombia.


Imara Roundtable Series


A series of multi-sectoral forums aimed at finding solutions to policy and practical concerns in the creative sector in Kenya.


PowerPlay video Series

Video Production

In collaboration with HIVOS, we created a mini-series drama on leadership and integrity that will challenge viewers to expect and demand integrity from leaders in different spheres of life